44 Jamaican Things That Will Make You Feel Old

How old you you feel?

~ by RB on August 13, 2011.

6 Responses to “44 Jamaican Things That Will Make You Feel Old”

  1. My blog has been online for 10 years!

  2. When you look at it in years it seems much longer than saying you started your blog in 2001. Come to think of it that’s a long time.

  3. Wow amazing how time flies. Congrat to Owen for 10 years blogging. I have been blogging for five years this month.

    RB I’ve been waiting on you to drop something and you did great again. Making us think about these events and time.


  4. well i feel like a baby, not old for sure 😀

  5. follow me on soundcloud for jamaican music

  6. wow! memory lane…very proud of my country!

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